Oasis Diagnostics® Corporation
Oasis Diagnostics® Corporation was founded in 2002 to address a growing need for non-invasive saliva based technology for rapid testing, sample collection, and molecular diagnostics [DNA, RNA and proteins] in the Life Sciences area. The Company is dedicated to meeting the need for more effective screening tools, which may be applied to the early detection of diseases and medical disorders, utilizing non-invasive test specimens, particularly oral fluids (saliva).
The Company’s range of collection and [future] diagnostic tools are covered by a portfolio of issued US, EU and International patents
Recognizing that early diagnosis is the key to disease prevention on a global basis, the Company directs its research efforts towards the development of oral based rapid, point-of-care, laboratory-based and molecular products, which fit into a Corporate objective of improving the quality of healthcare for our global customers.
Oral Fluid Products
Oasis Diagnostics® Corporation has developed a unique proprietary range of oral fluid products which includes the *VerOFy® oral fluid rapid test platform, the *Versi•SAL® split sample saliva / oral fluid collection device, the DNA•SAL™ Salivary DNA collection device, Super•SAL™, a device for universal saliva collection and RNAPro•SAL™, a novel device for RNA and or protein collection for genomic applications or proteomics and LIAM™ [Light Image Analysis Module], a reading device for lateral flow test assessment and quantification. Additional devices are under development.
The Company is also the exclusive North American distributor for a novel genomic product line from ViennaLab Diagnostics (Vienna, Austria), which is based upon pharmacogenomics and genetic predisposition. Products include rapid strip based assays for KRAS mutations, BRAF, Fc Gamma Receptors, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia [CAH], hemochromatosis, Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease (CVD), Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF), Gaucher’s disease, sugar (glucose / fructose) intolerance, CYP2D6, HLA-B27, cystic fibrosis and others.
Point of Care Testing
Point of care testing is extremely effective when health care decisions must be made and appropriate actions must be taken in real time. Point-of-care testing provides immediate results when the patient is still at the clinic or other remote testing site. The resulting outcome is usually a more rapid diagnosis of disease leading to earlier enrollment into treatment regimens. Point-of-care testing is usually cost effective and can be performed by individuals with minimal training.
The Company’s VerOFy® point-of-care testing device is an enabling technology that may be used as the platform for the development of a series of qualitative and quantitative rapid saliva based diagnostic tests using lateral flow immunochromatography, latex agglutination, magnetic beads and others. Currently the Company is interested in developing specific applications in the areas of stress, dehydration, drugs of abuse, infectious diseases (including HIV and tuberculosis), steroid hormones, oncology, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
Molecular Diagnostics
Molecular diagnostics is the driving force behind unraveling our biological makeup at the genetic level. The DNA code is unlocked, often revealing the fundamental differences between individuals who may be predisposed to development of diseases or more suitable for treatment options that may prove detrimental or ineffective in others.
Function of Molecular Diagnostics – Analyzes genetic content for disease information and can examine specific DNA regions to identify genetic mutations/genetic materials that may result from bacterium, viruses or cancer. New technologies also look at RNA through micro RNAs and mRNAs
Significance of Molecular Diagnostics – Identifies DNA sequences that may consist of inherited or random mutations that are indicative of inherent disease.
Benefits of Molecular Diagnostics – A person who is predisposed to a particular disease can make certain lifestyle changes to avoid and monitor development of the disease. Physicians can leverage a patient’s genetic information to select the optimal treatment strategy. Note: While a person may be found to have a certain genetic predisposition, it does not mean he or she will actually develop the disease.
The Company’s RNAPro•SAL™ and DNA•SAL™ salivary collection tools may be conveniently and cost effectively used to isolate genetic and non genetic material [RNA and proteins in the case of RNAPro•SAL™ and DNA in the case of DNA•SAL™], for use in downstream technologies, such as PCR, genotyping, microarrays, exome sequencing and others, when used in conjunction with suitably validated methodologies.
Laboratory Testing
Mainstream testing under laboratory conditions is still by far the largest segment within the industry. Blood, urine, tissue, serum, hair, saliva and other bodily fluids and samples are routinely tested for a multitude of conditions, diseases, drugs, biomarkers and other entities using multiple methodologies including ELISA, Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay [FPIA], homogeneous immunoassays, mass spectrometry and many others.
Oasis Diagnostics® provides proprietary tools to aid laboratory scientists including its Versi•SAL® device for standardized whole saliva collection, UltraSal-2™ for large volume oral specimen collection and Super•SAL™ saliva collection device for universal saliva collection purposes.
The Company’s range of collection and [future] diagnostic tools are covered by a portfolio of issued US, EU and International patents.
With early diagnosis being the key to disease prevention efforts on a global basis, Oasis Diagnostics® directs its research efforts to the development of rapid, point-of-care, laboratory based and molecular diagnostic products, which fit into a Corporate objective of improving the quality of healthcare for our global customers.
With defined emphasis on saliva diagnostics, salivary tools and oral-based applications, Oasis Diagnostics® Corporation is always open to discussing new business opportunities including licensing, distribution and partnering with potential collaborative partners. For further information on such opportunities click here.
Oasis Diagnostics® Corporation is a global company targeting both domestic and international markets for its innovative saliva diagnostic portfolio. Oasis Diagnostics® products can be found here.
Partnering / Collaboration
Oasis Diagnostics® Corporation is constantly searching for partners with innovative technologies that are synergistic with, or add value to, our technologies or tools under development by the Company. We welcome collaboration and partnerships from companies that see a role for salivary diagnostics in the future.
With this particular emphasis in mind, Oasis Diagnostics® Corporation is always open to discussing new business opportunities with potential collaborative partners, which fit into our Corporate strategy.
VerOFy®, DNA•SAL™, Versi•SAL®, 4saliva®, Super•SAL™, RNAPro•SAL™
and Oasis Diagnostics® are trademarks of Oasis Diagnostics® Corporation. These devices are the subject of a series of US and international patent submissions and issued patents.
Pharmacogenomic Tests
Newer pharmacogenomic tests include novel immunoassays for identification of genotypes associated with response to Coumadin anti-coagulants including Warfarin, treatment response to HIV HAART and 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy treatment response.
Recently the Company announced a partnership to distribute products from Operon S.A. ( Zaragoza, Spain). Products in this range include strip format genomic tests for celiac disease and AZF micro-deletions in chromosome Y for male fertility.
Dr. Elizabeth (Birdie) Shirtcliff
Dr. Elizabeth (Birdie) Shirtcliff is the editor in chief of Psychoneuroendocrinology (3.4 impact factor) and a research professor in the Center for Translational Neuroscience at University of Oregon. Dr. Shirtcliff uses a variety of noninvasive tools including the biospecimen saliva to investigate the interplay of biological and behavioral factors unfolding across children’s lives, especially in adolescence. Her focus is on hormones because they are stress-responsive, often mirroring a child’s social environment. Dr. Shirtcliff’s interdisciplinary research examines both short-term stress responses, as well as biological changes that can consistently or even permanently change an individual’s biology. Dr. Shirtcliff has been a longstanding collaborator and colleague with Dr. Paul Slowey and the Oasis Diagnostics team.
Professor Chamindie Punyadeera, Griffith University
Professor Punyadeera is an innovator and an advocate for women in STEMM. She has had a hybrid research career working in industry as well as in academia. She is a recent recruit to Griffith University and holds a joint appointment between Science and Health. She leads the salivary diagnostics and liquid biopsy laboratory, focused on developing biomarkers (heart failure and cancer) from concept through to commercialisation, accelerating precision health. Precision health relies on validated biomarkers to better stratify patients based on their probable disease risk, prognosis and/or response to treatment.
Dr. Chi Udeh-Momoh, PhD, FHEA
Dr. Chi Udeh-Momoh, PhD, FHEA, is a Translational Neuroscientist with expertise in dementia prediction, and prevention, based at Wake Forest University School of Medicine (WFUSM); and affiliated as a Senior Lecturer at Aga Khan University Kenya, The Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience, UK and Karolinska Institute Sweden. At WFUSM, she leads the Udeh-Momoh Lab for Global Brain Health Equity (U-M = BRAIN) focusing on translational research to advance equitable and culturally informed strategies for promoting successful aging, by investigating the intersectional relationships of biological, psycho-sociological, and economic factors that contribute to health disparities in brain health and dementia across the life course. In her dual roles as co-Director of the Imarisha Centre for Brain Health and Aging and Lead of the Genomics and Biomarker Core at the Brain and Mind Institute Kenya, she is developing capacity for dementia and brain aging research, education, and care while collaborating with Mental Health and Neuroscience subject experts, clinicians, and educators at the Aga Khan University, to ultimately build the neuroscience capacity and strength across Global South regional partner institutions, including Pakistan. She is also a Senior Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health. In 2018, she initiated the multinational AFRICA-FINGERS project (as Chief Investigator) across 10 African countries, including Kenya and Nigeria, that aims to promote healthy ageing and mitigate brain health and biomarker-access inequalities through culturally appropriate, sustainable multimodal intervention strategies in African populations. She co-Leads the World-Wide FINGERS Biomarker Consortium, as well as the Global CEOi/Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative workstream on Implementation of Blood-based-biomarkers in Clinical Practice, and is an Executive committee member of the Biofluids-biomarker-based PIA of the Alzheimer’s Association ISTAART, where she is Founding Chair and co-Lead of the Saliva Biomarkers for Dementia Research workgroup, alongside Professors Slowey (CEO, Oasis Dx), and Zetterberg (2018 - present). Key outputs include white paper describing critical pre-analytical considerations for the analysis of ADRD biomarkers in saliva samples). She is also co- founder of the Female Brain and Endocrine Research (FEMBER) consortium, and currently sits on the NIH-funded National Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine expert committee to determine research priorities to address the global burden of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia (2023-2024). Having completed a competitive CASE PhD studentship in Neuroscience and Neuroendocrinology at the MRC Centre for Synaptic Plasticity at the University of Bristol (2010-2014), her research elucidates dementia prevention bio-mechanistic pathways and strategies across diverse populations towards equitable ADRD biomarker-driven detection and prediction practices, adopting a translational approach integrating human clinical studies with experimental animal models. Specifically, her research leverages precision health advances to identify and address biopsychosocial determinants of ADRD risk in the context of sex, gender, and ethno-racial disparities, and towards development of contextual preventive strategies. She previously conducted research at Imperial College London, where components of her work received funding from Gates Ventures and industry partners - Janssen, Merck and Takeda. She currently receives competitively awarded funding for her research efforts from the NIH, Alzheimer’s Association, the Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative, UKRI Medical Research Council, the UK Defense and Security Accelerator fund, Wellcome Trust and the Global Brain Health Institute. Dr. Udeh-Momoh additionally leads several multinational initiatives to address gender and racial disparities in medical research and academia and sits on the Board of Trustees of the British Society for Neuroendocrinology as the Grants committee Deputy Chair and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Lead. Overall, her work is at the forefront of translational neuroscience, bringing together fundamental discoveries in neuroscience with the goal of improving human health and wellbeing.