Oasis Research Lab
Fertility Panel

The Fertility Panel provides a comprehensive look at salivary levels of the hormones which are the most relevant to reproduction, including fertility.
What Analytes are tested for?
17β-estradiol or “estradiol” is the primary female sex hormone. It is important in the regulation of estrous and menstrual cycles in females. The importance of estradiol is also noted in other female reproductive tissues and bone. Men also produce estrogen but the levels are lower compared to women, however, there are essential functions of this hormone in men.
Progesterone is involved in many critical functions of the human and mammalian bodies. These functions include embryogenesis, menstrual cycle, and pregnancy for example. As a sex hormone and endogenous steroid it is the major progestogen which also plays an important role in brain function as a neurosteroid. Progesterone is also a key element in the production of sex hormone and corticosteroids.
Low progesterone levels in women may result in abnormal menstrual cycles and create difficulty in conception because the lack of progesterone doesn’t create the proper environment for a fertilized egg to grow. When pregnancy occurs in women with lower progesterone levels, risks are higher for miscarriage or pre-term delivery. The metabolic balance of progesterone to estrogen is also essential. When an imbalance due to low levels of progesterone occurs, sex drive can decrease, weight gain can occur, and gall bladder problems can arise.
17-OHP, or 17 α-OHP is derived from progesterone via 17 α-hydroxylase or other biochemical methods. It is a progestogen steroid similar to progesterone and a chemical intermediate in the synthesis of other steroidal hormones. These include androgen and estrogen, glucocorticoids, and mineralocorticoids. It is produced primarily in the adrenal glands and specifically in the corpus luteum of the ovaries. This test can be used as a screening or monitoring tool for congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). As a precursor to cortisol, the amount of 17-OHP is directly related to the amount of cortisol produced in the body.
Testosterone, or T is an androgen group steroid hormone found in humans and other vertebrate animals. Secreted primarily by the testicles of males and to a lesser degree the ovaries in females, the adrenal glands also secrete small amounts of T. A large amount of T in females can be indicative of polycystic ovarian syndrome, ovarian tumor or cancers, CAH (see above) or even an adrenal tumor. In order to increase number of ova produced by certain women, an administration of T can be provided by fertility clinics. Along with an OTC supplement of DHEA, it is delivered to increase the chances of pregnancy through in-vitro fertilization.
DHEA is an endogenous steroid hormone, produced by the adrenal glands, gonads, and the brain. Its predominant function is as a metabolic intermediate for the synthesis of androgen and estrogen sex steroids. It is also the most abundant steroid hormone in circulation in humans.
DHEAS is the sulfate ester of DHEA. Most DHEAS is found in the blood at levels about 300x higher than free DHEA. DHEAS also has no diurnal variation as compared to DHEA. Therefore, measurement of DHEAS is preferred as the standard measurement due to the stability of levels. DHEA is converted to this sulfate form when it is taken orally and passes through the intestines and liver.
Steroid Panel

The Steroid Panel is designed to assist in the evaluation of various hyperandrogenic disorders such as Polcystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Congenital Hyperplasia, or Premature Adrenarche.
What Analytes are Tested for on this Panel?
DHEA is an endogenous steroid hormone, produced by the adrenal glands, gonads, and the brain. Its predominant function is as a metabolic intermediate for the synthesis of androgen and estrogen sex steroids. It is also the most abundant steroid hormone in circulation in humans.
DHEAS is the sulfate ester of DHEA. Most DHEAS is found in the blood at levels about 300x higher than free DHEA. DHEAS also has no diurnal variation as compared to DHEA. Therefore, measurement of DHEAS is preferred as the standard measurement due to the stability of levels. DHEA is converted to this sulfate form when it is taken orally and passes through the intestines and liver.
Testosterone, or T is an androgen group steroid hormone found in humans and other vertebrate animals. Secreted primarily by the testicles of males and to a lesser degree the ovaries in females, the adrenal glands also secrete small amounts of T. A large amount of T in females can be indicative of polycystic ovarian syndrome, ovarian tumor or cancers, CAH (see above) or even an adrenal tumor. In order to increase number of ova produced by certain women, an administration of T can be provided by fertility clinics. Along with an OTC supplement of DHEA, it is delivered to increase the chances of pregnancy through in-vitro fertilization.
Progesterone is involved in many critical functions of the human and mammalian bodies. These functions include embryogenesis, menstrual cycle, and pregnancy for example. As a sex hormone and endogenous steroid it is the major progestogen which also plays an important role in brain function as a neurosteroid. Progesterone is also a key element in the production of sex hormone and corticosteroids.
Low progesterone levels in women may result in abnormal menstrual cycles and create difficulty in conception because the lack of progesterone doesn’t create the proper environment for a fertilized egg to grow. When pregnancy occurs in women with lower progesterone levels, risks are higher for miscarriage or pre-term delivery. The metabolic balance of progesterone to estrogen is also essential. When an imbalance due to low levels of progesterone occurs, sex drive can decrease, weight gain can occur, and gall bladder problems can arise.
Estradiol is the primary female sex hormone. It is important in the regulation of estrous and menstrual cycles in females. The importance of estradiol is also noted in other female reproductive tissues and bone. Men also produce estrogen but the levels are lower compared to women, however, there are essential functions of this hormone in men.
Stress / Fatigue Panel

The Stress and Fatigue Panel measures salivary levels of factors which are pertinent for those experiencing chronic or recurring issues of energy and / or immune health.
What Analytes are Tested for on this Panel?
Cortisol is produced in the adrenal cortex within the adrenal gland. Functioning primarily to increase blood sugar through gluconeogenesis, it aids in the metabolism of fat, protein, carbohydrates, and also acts to suppress the immune system. This steroid hormone is released in response to stress and low blood-glucose levels.
Interleukin 1 beta
IL1β is a cytokine protein that is encoded by the IL1β gene. This is a mediator of inflammatory response. It is produced by activated macrophages as a proprotein and processed to its active form by caspase 1. It is involved in a variety of cellular activities including cell proliferation, apoptosis (programmed cellular death), and differentiation and can be associated with inflammatory pain hypersensitivity.
Tumor Necrosis Factor
TNF is a cell signaling protein and is one of the cytokines associated with acute phase reaction in systemic inflammation. Produced mainly by activated macrophages, it can be created by many cell types such as neutrophils, eosinophils, mast cells, neurons and CD4+ lymphocytes. Its main function is in the regulation of immune cells. As an endogenous pyrogen, TNF is able to incite inflammation, apoptosis, cachexia (sudden weight loss or wasting), and can inhibit tumorigenesis and viral replication. It has been implicated in many diseases such as cancer, depression, psoriasis, IBD, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Immunoglobulin A
Immunoglobulin A (IgA). This is an antibody which has a critical immune function in the mucous membranes. In fact, more IgA is produced in the body than any of the other antibodies combined.
DHEAS is the sulfate ester of DHEA. Most DHEAS is found in the blood at levels about 300x higher than free DHEA. DHEAS also has no diurnal variation as compared to DHEA. Therefore, measurement of DHEAS is preferred as the standard measurement due to the stability of levels. DHEA is converted to this sulfate form when it is taken orally and passes through the intestines and liver.